Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Jack Sparrow har premiär den 4 april

Splash! In your pretty little face, it's not warm outside anymore. I am more tired than Mad Men's awesomeness. You should watch it on your telly. I seriously recommend it. Oh fudge, my eyes are bleeding again, Big Brother is on.

Cauliflower is an exceptionally cool word.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Oh winter come, come and greet us with your warmth and ice cold blanket of snow

We could dance in the twirls of snow until the nightingale sings it's lullaby and spring is upon us. And we could stare into the black water and ponder about what wonders is hiding beneath the surging surface, safe away from the cold above. And on those starry nights we might spot the northern lights and wish for the sun to hibernate for a long long time to come.

I hate desperate housewives.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Too freakin' cool to be normal

Bara för er söta solstrålar därute puss och kram gullungar oj så söta ni är helt underbara, jordgubbstårta till hela släktet!

Some good things today, striped-socks in white, yellow, red, apricos and aqua baby, jasmine tea with mother hen, yellowfellow flowers, a black purse/bag som jag villhavillhavillha, extended sentences to infinty - when will it end?, listen to oldfolks music, zpekkan songs with some russian spice and a little chap who makes an effort, good job I tell ya!

Some artichokes sound delicious, I should find and hunt them down. Oh I just saw them running down the street. BrB

Friday, March 23, 2012

Where do you go to my lovely

I just fell and broke my intelligence.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Current status

I found some crap in my bag. I also found some jewelry, money, pens, a hair clip, hair bands, a mitten, a fork, pencils, 2000 receipts, 2 gift cards, my old visa-card, a perfume, a book, an awesome button and a horse.

Min hund ylade just, han har sett för mycket Twilight.


Wuthering. Uttalas faktiskt "wåthering", haha in your face!! Ska bara skjuta ner lite stjärnor från himlen blå sedan krossa dem för att lysa upp detta förskräckligt mörka rum. Tänd lamporna! Varför är det så mörkt här? Men kära hjärtanes så dystert det var här inne. Ojoj ormens väg on the hällemountain var inte en höjdare nej. Icket sa flicket när hon försökte läsa spektaklet. Herremin Torgny, skriv bättre, gör bättre, lev för tusan.

hmm undrar om kometen kommer att träffa jorden snart?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Check out my moves

This is my new spandex. The sale's girl said It would enhance my body shapes. I know I look good.

Monday, March 19, 2012

På himmelen vandrar tre stjärnor

Den tredje är månen den gula

Familjen kommer att återförenas än en gång under vårens stormiga ankomst, jag väntar oväder.

With some soup in ma stomach I am ready to hit the town in my new snickarpants that the little gnome so kindly brought to me this Monday morning. A signature he needed, a clutter of nonsense he got.

So the streets and trees are to be covered in snow again, spring has died. I am one with the biting cold and darkness, yet again.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Mary Ann meets the Gravediggers

February. Take ink and weep,
write February as you’re sobbing,
while black Spring burns deep
through the slush and throbbing.

I'm a superhero.

Forest Green Oh Forest Green


So freakin' awesome. I found some cool special signs på apple datorn. Jag är så efter i teknikens värld. Amongst other things.

Put some red grapes in the freezer, it's soooooooooooo good.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

I bought a cape-like coat at the secondhand thing

Damn! Me strutting down the street.

No. In reality I bought crap brown manchesterbyxor, a light blue/grey shirt, an awesome necklace ( it looks like something you would find in a shipwreck, sokkan du skulle älska det ) , a pair of greenish earrings, and a billion frames. haha.ha.haaaa. All for the price of 45 rikskronor.

I'm such a squirrel.

Ett normalt inlägg för alla er köttbulle och makaroner people.

Today I will read the snakes way on the hällemountain, I have a feeling it might feel a little bit like that ^^^^^when I read it. I have to read it. I'll probably skim through it. Lord help me I'm so uncommitted to this thing we call schoolwork. Hard work, work. My source of life and I will hunt down a relatively new secondhand thing on Bogatan, best of luck to us whimsy ladybugs. Mother nature has also been very generous with this fine weather we have today, I might get some freckles on my snout. We no longer have minus Celsius so my beloved spring jacket will come to life again, I just have to scrape the mold of.

The delicious chickpeas are dancing in my gut transforming into mush. Bon appetite!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The umbrella protects me from the rain, but I hate it.

I'm gonna be in Vogue magazine. The April issue. The photographer is Jean- Fillisimonteterasau, seen here with a orange beret. I'm jealous to my teeth.

- I'm not really a bear, I just look like one.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Shut up, Meg.

HAHAHAHA no it's not, you lama,

this is cool.

No I do not have multiple personalities

I'm the one in the middle, I don't know who the others are. I guess they're my dysfunctional friends who I only hang out with when Jupiter and Saturn are doing the polka dance. I'm never alone.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Can you find the little seagull?

The moon and the stars sailed upon the stormy waters with their reflection of superiority. The waves carried the ship on to the shore, for it couldn't fight the storm alone. And the mighty sailor was left to surrender so he took of his pirate hat and bowed to the mighty calypso.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Flodhästen på tapeten hoppade ut idag

Jobbiga organismer är såna som äger en iphone, dem som klär sig i jeanssugrör istället för stickade fluffpuff koftor, pojkar som använder sin keps bak och fram, flickor som har två lager hy, mammor som lever tvärtom, pappor som lever ut och in och sedan dem som inte önskar att dem ägde Dorothys smaragd röda klackar.

He is now sitting on my feet, unwilling to move.

Did you hear about the word?


bababa ko-ny kkkony

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Use your fork! there's jam all over your face.

The turtle helped me home cause I forgot to refuel my flying tea cup with freshly boiled gunpowder tea. I guessed Edmund the turtle felt sorry for my misfortune. I also had a hunch that he wanted my companionship, because the other day, the little red robin told me about Edmund's friend the otter Francis had just bought a scooter. I'm Edmund's travel companion now.

Eat some arctic raspberries, it's good for you.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

If you crossed the road and a truck struck you I'll scrape you up and reconstruct you

For your info, I saw a unicorn waiting for e.t's spaceship this afternoon. I told him he was five minutes early, he gave me the stinky eye.

Come along and dance with us u big fat ant

Let's eat some grilled fish ,or rosebuds if you prefer, by the fire that we made out of old legs and arms. They burn like strands from your hair when you hold them over a scented candle with cinnamon scent, taste, flavour, fume, odour? maybe it's scent. Hold your horses! we should throw some twigs in the fire too, just so we can do the creep around the flames.

Look at the big fish we caught, we named him Flash.

Monday, March 5, 2012

I hope you step on a lego

Yes indeed, precisely what I should do. Perhaps after I watch som tv, comb the dog, walk the dog, water the plants, find the missing silver ring and earn some kronor, call the monster at ax-food and be eaten alive, then maybe browse on etsy, think about insignificant things, listen through my spotify list, all 357 tracks, drive to paris, buy a pendant with a dandelion inside, eat sorbet ice-cream with raspberry, mango and melon, then fly to new zealand and pet some sheep, maybe I'll pass through a nice place by the sea and swim until I'm a mermaid. Then I might bring out my school books, and fall asleep on them. I have a plan.

tais-toi, je danse.

Preferably a granny smith

Typ sådär kan man också göra.Flyga, falla, landa fast dunst, nej krash. dö, döden, tystnad dödödö nu. dö då. man kanske inte ska falla trots allt. måste ju rädda nervcellerna och muskelcellerna det hårda skellettet och huden ovanför. ovanpå. utanför nej ut och in. Skrap.skräp.rispa.riv.repa. slå. slit sönder. trasig. Måste rädda, bevara, vårda men lova att inte spara, lagra. Får ju inte missa en massa, ush nej det gör du väl inte. sockersöta du. sötasötasöta du.Det krävs skicklighet att leva, ja det må jag säga, min lilla vetebulle.

Google translate: Eat an apple.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

I would also like to catch a whitered dandelion

And make a ring out of it. or a pendant, maybe glue it in my red book. the red book that the field mouse gave me on the last day of the year that we met. or maybe I should wait until the spring and pick a whole bunch of dandelions and let them whitter between the pages of a big, heavy book and then glue them on a cream colored paper and buy a worn-out frame and voila, make a painting. but without painting, well maybe it will be an art form that doesn't have a name. haha I'm awesome

The fire transformed everything to ashes, suddenly everthing lost it's signifigance

"They sacrified everything to the stars"

jag köpte svarta skor idag med en halv decimeter hög fotsulegrej, try and figure that out you non swedish people

Well It's been like three years since my last (inlägg), I hate blogging, It's so meaningless if you don't have anything valid to say, In other words don't expect any revealing wonders, just expect poor english from a bored swedish nineteen year-old girl with brown hair that's naturally curly and green eyes that's not special in any way. A girl who's so fed up with life that she is writing a long (inlägg) about nothing and read by no one, not even me. I hope, I might, If I'm bored. Mumindal vad jag ordbajsar.

Titta utanför fönstret, det töar.